Psychological Abuse.
Unfortunately, there are many women who have been suffering some kind of abuse from their partners for decades now, and it seems that this nonsense is increasing more and more.
One may wonder why this happens? Why are cases of gender violence increasing in our society? The answer is very simple: fear of loss on the part of the person who causes it, cowardice, ignorance, the low level of self-esteem of the abuser, among many other factors.
The progressive loss of values that our society suffers due to the extremely poor educational system, together with the frenetic pace of life that we have imposed on ourselves and the great dependence and misuse of technologies (mobile phones, tablets, social networks, Internet, etc.), it leads to situations in which oneself is unable to control, bringing out the authentic animal and primitive being that we carry inside.
Many are those who still think that women, when they marry or become partners, become a property, that they represent by right an exclusive and non-transferable property, and that they have to do things the way men consider appropriate, without leave her the option of being able to express herself freely as she wants. This is what causes the tensions and situations that we see announced almost every day in the newspapers.
The wounds caused by physical abuse can heal over time, but those caused by psychological abuse are not so easily erased, becoming present for a lifetime.
That's why my next book (which I hope to publish shortly) addresses this unfortunate aspect of personality. A truthful story that, in addition to fully touching on the psychological abuse to which the main character is exposed, also recounts a beautiful example of self-improvement, being forced to fulfill her purposes so as not to fall into the most absolute ruin and indifference. When a person speaks, expresses himself and asks for help, the whole Universe starts to give him the answer he is looking for. This story will reveal the tools that one must have to get up again and overcome any adversity in her life.
The will moves mountains.
The acts of those who lend themselves to help move the world.